Want a film that's explosive, thrilling; which shows when the loser becomes the hero and that the baddie can change…. Venom is the film for you!!!!
Marvel is back with another sitting on the edge of your seat blockbuster. Eddie Brock played by Tom Hardy, is a reporter who loses everything including his job, his fiancé and his apartment and gets infected with powers of a symbiote which an alien parasite, known as Venom. Venom is a very odd-looking thing, all black and is liquidlike until he bonds with a human to survive. Venom has the ability to heal and protect its host; along with this Venom is much stronger than a human and can shapeshift, e.g.: he can change his arm into a sword. Before Brock, Venom was bonded with Spiderman and throughout the film you can see Venom making webs which he got from Spiderman.
It's not until almost half way through the film we finally get to see the real form of Venom with a face we can recognise, this might be shocking for some viewers, but Venom is different from any hero we have seen before. Along with Venom, we met Riot a stronger and eviller version of Venom. Along with Riot, his host body is Carlton Drake. Carlton Drake is a rich man who wants to save the future of humanity yet goes the wrong way about it. There is a long build up to the final showdown but it's worth the wait; the final showdown between Brock/Venom and Drake/Riot is intense as you aren't sure what is going to happen next and you're not sure who will win or even survive!
Venom began like the rest of his species that were the first that came to earth wanted to invade it but as time goes on and as he becomes closer to Brock, Venom changes his mind. Brock is seen as a loser and Venom believes on his home world he was seen as a loser, yet the losers turn out to be the good guys and try to save the day!
This film makes you sit on the edge of your seat until the end of the credits, full of action with moments of comedic relief. Not one moment of this film is dull, it is worth a watch whether you're a Marvel fan or not. Parts of this film can be gruesome or shocking for some audiences, however it proves anyone can change and become a hero. This film is exciting and worth a watch