Cathy and Cat are back once again with another instalment of The Other One.
During the first series, Cathy (Ellie White) and Cat (Lauren Socha), learn that they are in fact sisters to each other. Their now-deceased father’s double life is discovered. We are told that their father had a heart attack and died, leaving two partners and two children without him. Cathy is a very uptight person, who likes order and precision, while Cat is very laid back and relaxed. The two girls try to navigate this new life as sisters.
We left the sisters, at the end of the first season, in a pub, with one of the sisters kissing their now revealed secret brother. The second series picks up in the morning after this event, where Cathy kissed Callum. Then seconds later, they discover that they may be related. The sisters spend this second series looking into another family and trying to find out the truth. What we do know is that their father had a very complicated life.
The sisters have a great dynamic, and their differences are what make them such a strong pairing. Both White and Socha know these characters inside out, and their performances are effortless. They bring a lot of joy to our screens, and it is a pleasure to see these characters back on our screens, uncovering all of their father’s secret past.
Alongside that, we also follow Cathy and Cat’s mothers who are going on their own journey of acceptance. Tess (Rebecca Front) is making huge plans on how she is going to spend all of her inheritance. She wants to be grand, and find happiness once again.
While Marilyn (Siobhan Finneran) is seen struggling to come to terms with the potential third family, her ex-partner may have had. It is clear that she loved Cat’s father dearly, and is hurt that she wasn’t the other woman, and there was in fact another other women besides her. Finneran is amazing in this role. This character feels as if it was made for her, and she will steal the scene when she is on our screen. Finneran is hilarious in this season, and it's great she had her own story this season as well.
Those who watched the first series will be aware of Cathy’s ex-fiancé Marcus (Amit Shah), who ruined his relationship with Cathy, by sending nudes to his co-worked. This loveable character is back for this second season, with a new girlfriend, who happens to be appearing on the Great British Bake Off. She also happens to be the co-worker he spent nudes to. It’s nice that this character hasn’t just disappeared, as he could have with the introduction of the new family to contend with.
Holly Walsh has written another great season of The Other One. It was surprising that there are now three families thanks to the deceased father, Colin. The jokes aren’t always laugh-out-loud, but this is still a really enjoyable sitcom to watch. The relationships between the sisters and now the brother, Callum, have been thought about. There is a lot of heart to this show, and it can be really absurd at times. Yet, this is what makes this show so enjoyable to watch.

Performance | 4.7/5 |
Enjoyment | 4.5/5 |
Overall Rating | 4.6/5 |