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Writer's pictureAthena Pickering

The Iron Throne Review (GOT S08E06)

Updated: Sep 12, 2019


The end is here, was anyone ready? I don’t think so but after 8 seasons we are finally at the end.

Tyrion walking through the destruction and silence, did anyone survive. Very powerful, you can see he is disappointed with how everything happened and grieving for the loss of his brother and sister. It’s a sad moment when Tyrion finds their bodies under the rubble. Peter Dinklage was amazing, there so much passion and emotion. You felt bad for him because even though they put him through so much he really did love his family no matter what. Tyrion knows what is right and that’s why he has always stood up to Daenerys and that’s the reason why I respect him so much as a character. He knows right from wrong and sticks up for the innocent and the good.

Jon Snow is torn in this episode. He kept to his word, but it is clear he isn’t happy with how last week’s battle went. Jon always tries to do the right thing and to protect the people from the biggest threat. He knows the right decisions are normally the hardest to make.

Daenerys is mad with power. I feel like we have lost all the character development we gained throughout the previous seasons and she lives up to her family name which is a bit disappointing. Obsessed with breaking the wheel and that what her downfall. Killed by the man she loved, not exactly the way I saw her story ending but then again, I didn’t think she would die.

Not much is said in the first 15 minutes, but it makes it very powerful. The acting is amazing that very little needs to be said. The world in season 1 was beautiful and now we are 8 seasons in and the world we started with has been destroyed and everything is darker as this world is currently in chaos and needs order and peace.

The melting of the Iron Throne was a beautiful sight, as that throne caused so many deaths, so much blood split and now it's gone. It was kind of a cheesy moment with Drogon melting the throne out of grief from his mother dying. However, it was satisfying watching the throne melt.

There is a gathering between everyone who is left from all the remaining families and no one can agree who is right or wrong. No King or Queen so the most powerful people in Westeros have to decide. Sam suggests everyone should decide and vote, always democratic and he is laughed at. Thanks to Tyrion, Bran is chosen to be King and from now on all leaders will be chosen. I'm surprised Bran agreed to be King, but it was quite emotional when everyone agreed. Bran the Broken, not a great name but he has a great story for the name.

Bran makes Tyrion hand, neither want their roles and that's why they should have it.

Snow is sent to the Night's Watch as life punishment. Unsure whether he did the right thing. Jon Snow and Ghost reuniting was great to watch, pure happiness.

Arya is still alive and decides to go where all the maps stop. What is west of Westeros, no one knows and that’s where she will be going.

The North becomes an independent kingdom again thanks to Sansa who is made Queen of the North. Sansa has gone through so much and come out a much stronger and more confident women. I feel like Sansa is like Queen Elisabeth I are quite similar, as they are both strong women who rule alone but that just makes them stronger as they have both gone through so much.

At the end all the Starks are split up going in different directions, yet it feels like they are all where they belong. Arya on her adventures, Sansa leading the North, Jon Snow back with the wildlings and the watchmen and Bran making peace across the 6 kingdoms (not including the North).

A lot happens in this final episode, maybe too much for just one episode. Although, the goodbyes between the Starks is full of emotion and difficult to watch as we just want them to be a family, yet they can never be. Full of emotion and hard goodbyes. Families destroyed, families torn apart, so much death and very little happiness. Across the past 8 seasons so much has happens and at the end of this final episode I feel like something is missing. I'm glad all the Stark children are still alive and found their place in the world. I'm glad Tyrion is still alive as I grew to like his character. However, watching Jon Snow ride into the forest with the wildlings I feel like something needed to happen, I felt empty when the credits came up but then I don’t know if I was just overwhelmed by everything that happened in the episode that the final moments didn’t make that much of an impact.

With what being said, I did enjoy this finale, the acting was amazing and the emotion either sadness/pain or pure joy came across so well. We have been on such a journey with these characters, yet it felt like at times all the character development was thrown out of the window. It is a bittersweet ending, as we presume there will now be peace, but we have been on such a long journey with all these characters that we don’t want to see it end and we want to know what will happen next.

This final episode was full of pros and cons, it wasn’t the worst way to end this amazing show, but I think the expectations were extremely high and it was always going to be difficult to live up to those expectations.

Goodbye to the Iron Throne

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