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  • Writer's pictureAthena Pickering

The Bells - GOT Season 8 Episode 5 Review

Updated: Sep 12, 2019


Last week’s episode, 'The Last of the Starks', was set up nicely for this week’s episode, 'The Bells'.

Daenerys is grieving since the loss of her dear friend. The battle for the Iron Throne is underway. Who will rule the Iron Throne is the question we all want the answer to, but we know Jon Snow doesn’t want it, but will he get it in the end anyway?

Daenerys feels so alone and isolated as all her trusted friends and advisors have all at some point turned on her. At a time when she needs guidance, she feels like she has no one. As a result, she makes foolish decisions which might cost her in the end.

Daenerys is ruthless in this episode, it seems like she doesn’t care about the innocent lives like children, she wants what she believes is hers and thinks it is a mercy for future generations, yet those children are the future. Tyrion cares so much about the innocent like children it is heart-warming to see how far he has come yet he is worried. Tyrion is just so sweet, caring and a good man in this episode, he does what he feels is right, which means looking out for his family because family will always come first especially Jamie as they share a special connection.

Jamie, whose side is he really on? Something we have been asking for the past few weeks. Jamie comes for Cersei which reminds me of Season 1 Jamie, therefore I felt bad for Brienne as she was just a fling to him, yet she loved him, and he used her. He must have known what he was doing all along.

Cersei is a Queen; she tries to keep her place but knows she must do what is right for her unborn child and go to safety. She is a family person who wants what is best for her family but unfortunately, she has made decisions which has affected her and the family in the worst way. We see her in this episode at her lowest and we see that she is human with emotions and it's upsetting what happens.

Arya and The Hound, an unlikely duo yet they work so well together. They share such a bittersweet moment where the Hound makes Arya see that revenge will consume her like it did him and if she carries on, she will die. We see a look in her eyes, which tells us she doesn’t want to die. Arya fights for her life and runs through hell. A beautiful moment is when we see Arya, really hurt and she is looking around at the consequences of Daenerys. Then a white horse appears from nowhere. It is beautiful to watch Arya who we have known for so long know wanting revenge trying to survive, we see her be really gentle with this creature as she rides off into the smoke. Now I don’t know if that is symbolising anything, maybe it shows her letting go off revenge or that this is the end for her, and she’s found peace. Or maybe it has made it clear in her mind what must be done and what the right thing to do is.

The fight between the Hound and his brother reminded me of a fight in Lord of the Rings with the destroyed castle and the dragon in the background. However, the helmet was finally removed and what he was hiding you could say is surprising. This was one of the goriest fights and it was very difficult to watch. The special effects have been amazing like previous episodes, you do feel like everything is real and this is a real place burning alive, especially during this fight, you see the destruction.

Daenerys vs Cersei’s armies is a shocking battle to watch, we watch the people suffer, the effect battle and war has one the people. We see the struggle to survive, the fear as no one really wants to die and the pain of knowing maybe this is the end. This battle is all about blood and fire and there is defiantly a lot of it. The battle seems so easy or maybe it just appears that way as it's difficult to stop a dragon.

The soundtrack is amazing throughout this episode, it brings so much emotion to certain scenes. This episode could be too much to handle yet the soundtrack makes this episode emotional and we get a sense of how the characters are feeling.

Kings Landing is destroyed and Daenerys full of grief and anger kills so many. Yet it is Jon Snow who wants to stop this bloodshed but obviously this doesn’t happen, but he will always be a protector. He kills one of his own men to stop him trying to rape a woman, he is a true defender of people and a rightful King. I never thought this would happen, I didn’t think Daenerys would act this way, so much pain, blood and fire.

We say goodbye to more beloved characters this week. I'm unsure what will happen next week. I'm excited and nervous for the season and show finale.

How many will we lose next week? Who will sit on the Iron Throne?

A long wait until next week, hopefully it will be worth the wait.

The Bells - Season 8, Episode 5

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