The MCU is skilled at staging weddings, so She-Hulk avoids last week's Daredevil hint for a "self-contained wedding episode." In Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, Christine's special day was destroyed by Shuma-Gorath, while in Ms. Marvel, Aamir and Tyesha's wedding was disrupted by The Clandestines. In "Just Jen," our protagonist volunteers to be a bridesmaid for a childhood friend, and once again, things don't go as planned.
She-Hulk, like those other Marvel characters, utilises a wedding to examine the difficulties of leading a normal life while also becoming a superhero. After rescuing the world in Avengers, Doctor Strange had everyone's attention. Kamala Khan had to raise the alarm when her adversaries showed up; and now Jen is a diverting focus after showing up at the gathering in She-Hulk form. The bride quickly demotes her to being "normal Jen" and makes her go down the aisle with an elderly dog.
It's a terrible moment that is made worse by the fact that everyone keeps asking her whether she has a partner. Given that during last week's court proceeding, her previous dates claimed she was nothing special in her regular form. As a female fan of the MCU, it's especially moving to see Jen given the chance to explore her identity issue, especially with the added lens of misogyny that she must contend with. We've seen most of the Avengers, including Bruce, cope with their newfound talents.
Additionally, the subplot incorporates that topic in a natural way that is new. In a divorce case with a twist, Nikki teams up with Mallory (Renee Elise Goldsberry). Mr. Immortal, their customer, has been murdering himself in increasingly gory ways to avoid getting married. He now has a number of ex-spouses who are suing for money. The case itself is ridiculous, but Ginger Gonzaga steals the show and offers a fascinating counter to what's happening to Jen.
As Jen is pushed back to the background, Nikki emerges as a wallflower to take centre stage and contribute to the case's breakthrough. The episode, which avoids feeling like a collection of skits that have been pieced together, is the most cohesive thus far thanks to an upbeat counterpoint to Jen's difficulties.
The fourth-wall breaks are starting to feel more and more like an afterthought, which is a genuine shame. There are only two asides in the first five minutes of the show before it seems to forget they're an important aspect of her personality. The ones we do get feel like crammed attempts to make She-Hulk feel current and Fleabag-y.
Which forgets the entire point of fourth-wall breaks in Phoebe Waller-ground-breaking Bridge's show was to let the audience into her intrusive inner thoughts. Denying us access to Jen's thoughts feels like a lost opportunity, especially given the chaos she is experiencing within.

Performance | 3.9/5 |
Enjoyment | 3.9/5 |
Overall Rating | 3.9/5 |