Series two of GameFace is now back on Channel 4, which is still created, written by and starring Roisin Conaty as Marcella.
Marcella takes her driving test and finally passes. Marcella and Jon are still just friends but go out for dinner together, I thought maybe we would meet them further along in their relationship from when we left them, but it is interesting to see how close they have gotten. We also learn more about Jon which is nice to see how talented this guy is and has been through as much heartbreak as Marcella has. Viewers will feel sympathy for Jon as he has a good heart and keeps getting hurt. Along with this, Marcella also think she has a stalker and is being followed by a mystery person whilst her Scott has moved in with her mum. A great deal happens in this episode.
The cutaway scenes are still as hilarious as the first series. Some of the best jokes are also the most relatable. For example, there is a cutaway flashback where Marcella searches really deep into Jon's ex-girlfriends Facebook account where she finds out his who his ex's grandparents are. A lot of people can relate to this, as a lot of people when they meet someone new or your best friend gets a new partner, the first thing a lot of people do is 'stalk' this person on Facebook to find out more about them. Many people do this and there are lots of posts, memes and gifs about this, so this small scene is very relatable and funny to practically almost everyone.
This episode is well shot and uses interesting angles which adds more comedy to certain moments. For example, when Marcella meets the nineteen-year-old trainee, there is a high diagonal angle looking down on Marcella where we see her reaction to the trainee. This choice of shot adds much more humour to this moment which is very effective.
GameFace is always compared to Fleabag as they are very similar shows, but they are also very different. GameFace uses very different humour to Fleabag and it feels more relatable with the scenarios used. That being said both shows are great, and it feels unnecessary to compare them as they are both great shows in their own ways and there is no need to compare them.
Prank is a great episode to open this long-awaited second series. A lot happens in this first episode, it is very fast paced but it works. After this first episode ends, we as viewers wants to know what is going to happen next and are looking forward to what the rest of this series has to offer.
