This fourth episode is full of revelations, comedy, and more clues that are helping us to find the answer to the real killer. In addition to that, Zoe Colletti makes a welcome addition to the cast in this episode.
With this episode, the plot gets a lot more complicated and some new clues are discovered. We even get introduced to a new cast member and even an old character is brought back. Episode 4 is clearly the best episode yet of this second season. It is witty and funny with lots of heart-warming moments, and more twists than ever before.
We begin this episode with a montage of the moment of Charles and Lucy’s quite cute relationship they had together. For those who may have forgotten, Lucy is the surrogate daughter from a previous relationship of Charles's. It was great to finally meet this character, and see the effect it has on Charles’ to have this girl back in his life.
Lucy wants to meet up, but Charles is slightly preoccupied with the podcast and the reboot of Brazzos. The reboot of Brazzos isn’t what Charles’ thought it was going to be, especially with the last-minute script changes.
Lucy is a great addition to this cast. Lucy is the youngest addition compared to the trio, so it's great to see how our trio struggle with the teenage slang. It's quite funny to see them all panicking about how to react to Lucy. The most surprising part of Lucy’s appearance is when she pulls out a knife, which happens to be the murderer's weapon.
Also in this episode, Oliver has also got his own parenting issues going on. Oliver’s son, Will, wants help with the rehearsals of the play he is directing. However, Oliver lies to him and tells him he is too busy to help. Then Oliver finds himself in the elevator with Teddy, freshly released from prison. It is a shock that this character is back so soon.
Once again, we learn how complex and secretive this building is. In this episode, we discover a hidden door that leads to a labyrinth of corridors, which all happen to have conveniently placed peepholes. It’s interesting how complex this building is and how many secrets it still keeps revealing to us. With these peepholes, we see Teddy and his son have an argument.
While we also see Nina, who is struggling to stop thinking about Bunny and her death. What is interesting is that even her partner told her that ‘she had to go’. Nina is still up on one of the top suspects who may be the killer. Yet it would be strange for Nina to be so upset if she was the killer.
Overall, this was a really strong episode. We learn where Lucy was on the night of the murder, and it was great to see the relationship between Lucy and Charles. It was really heart-warming the moments between these two characters. In addition, it was interesting to see the contrast between Lucy and Charles and Oliver and Will.
More secrets are being revealed, yet it still feels like Nina is the top suspect. Yet we know it can’t be her, as that would be too obvious at this point. A witty episode, with a lot of heart. I’m excited to see what is going to happen next. It feels as if there is still a lot to uncover. What was surprising was a special appearance from Jan at the end, as Charles wants some help with the case. Could we see her again? It’ll be interesting to see if Charles’ will trust what she has to say.

Performance | 4.5/5 |
Enjoyment | 4.7/5 |
Overall Rating | 4.7/5 |