Funny, sweet and cute!
Long Shot is a new romantic comedy starring Charlize Theron and Seth Rogen. Charlotte Field (played by Theron) is Secretary of State to President Chambers. President Chambers confides in Charlotte that he won’t seek a second term in office thus Charlotte sees an unexpected opportunity to run for President in 2020. Charlotte searches for a writer to make her speeches better. After a chance encounter with recently unemployed journalist Fred Flarsky (Seth Rogen), who she uses to babysit when they were younger. Fred takes the opportunity to write the speeches for his former crush and the two become closer as she prepares for a gruelling campaign.
This film shows the struggles of a woman running for President can be, at times Charlotte reminds me of Hilary Clinton when she was running in the last US elections. The similarity is not just because Charlotte is a woman, but their styles seem very similar, in the way they are dressed especially in the final speech.
Seth Rogen is hilarious throughout this film and at times the butt of some of the jokes. Fred is a really interesting character as he has tunnel vision throughout the film, he only sees his point of view and doesn’t understand what Charlotte has had to go through and what she needs to get through to become the first female President. Fred goes on a journey, and in the end finds something he has always been looking for, pure happiness and love.
Theron and Rogen have great chemistry together, romantically and comedically which makes the film great to watch as it takes time for us to get to know these complex characters. Charlotte is complex as she is a career focused woman with no time to do normal stuff and is always comprising on the things, she really believes in. Always having to comprise and be careful of what she does as the media will criticise her harsher because she is a woman. This is true to reality as woman are criticised more than men sometimes.
The time flies by watching this film and I would gladly watch this film again. Long Shot is a sweet film, it shows that even the two most unlikely people can find love and be together. Fred and Charlotte met in a chance encounter and this was the beginning of an unexpected relationship which helped both characters grow and develop. This characters new each other from childhood and this bond is clear to see as they are so comfortable with each other from the beginning. Whilst watching this film, you really buy into these characters and want them to end up together and be happy.
This film is funny, and you become invested in Fred and Charlotte's relationship which is sweet as they seem genuine and we want happiness for them. I would gladly watch this film again and again; I loved every second of this film. It was funny and a pure joy to watch.
