House of the Dragon significantly deviated from Game of Thrones tradition, and we are okay with it.
In the past, the season's penultimate episode included a major conflict involving practically all of the factions. The Green Council's plot to take Princess Rhaenyra's authority after King Viserys I's death was the focus of House of the Dragon Season 1 Episode 9.
It was a really gratifying episode that expertly prepared us for the impending conflict. Following Viserys' death, King's Landing was filled with uncertainty. Olivia Cooke gave a career-best performance as Alicent attempted to install Aegon as king while making sure Rhaenyra wouldn't suffer any harm in the process.
At the conclusion of House of the Dragon Season 1 Episode 8, you could feel Alicent's concern, and in "The Green Council," she was primarily having trouble processing all of this information. The information that her father had everyone working against Rhaenyra and her throne claim didn't help.
The horrifying image of Ser Criston executing Lord Beesbury inspired the populace to oppose what the Green Council wanted. The fact that Harrold stood his ground against Criston was a turning point in the story. Although, Criston still feels very one-dimensional and doesn't bring a lot to the story.
An excellent approach to demonstrate to viewers how much Alicent has been following all that has happened in the Seven Kingdoms since she was a young kid was through her plea to Rhaenys to understand what she has been through. Rhaenys and Rhaenyra haven't always had the nicest relationships, but she is aware of what it's like to have something that was meant for you taken away.
Considerations include the fact that anyone opposed to King's Landing's new way of life will be viewed as an enemy. Rhaenys has lived under the rule of men, thus it makes sense that she would want to reclaim some kind of authority to establish herself in history.
Her escape from the castle was exciting because, when loyalties are changing on an irregular basis, you truly never know who is playing whom. Rhaenys is a more enigmatic character, but refusing to swear loyalty to Aegon and then fleeing on her dragon has got to be one of the most daring actions.
When it comes to Aegon, I'm astonished he managed to ascend to the throne considering how opposed he has been to it. Although he didn't have the best connection with his father and everyone thought he had wasted his potential. He seemed strangely startled when King's Landing residents accepted him.
If the chance ever presented itself, Aemond had prepared himself by training and making sure he was capable of ruling. At the same time, his brother was abusing women, drinking himself to death, and fathering children who weren't his.
Aemond would make for a predictable leader, but someone who didn't want the position, like Aegon, is more intriguing. This is because it raises questions about their potential leadership style. Aemond will have to accept that he is not the king for the time being. I half expected him to kill his brother when he caught up with him.
On the other hand, we are unsure of how long Alicent's offspring will hold the reign. The fact that Rhaenyra and Daemon were not informed of the King's death and, of course, the coup, will not impress them. After the Green Council's initial attack on Team Black, it's difficult not to worry about what will happen next.
Let's hope Rhaenys delivers the message to Dragonstone and things get moving for the final episode.

Performance | 4.8/5 |
Enjoyment | 4.6/5 |
Overall Rating | 4.7/5 |