Following is a series review and individual episode reviews.
This show is based on a fantasy novel of the same name written by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Good Omens was recently released on Amazon Prime which stars David Tennant and Michael Sheen as the lead roles of a demon, called Crowley and angel, called Aziraphale. Neil Gaiman is the show-runner and wrote all six episodes which follows his book accurately, which is a rare thing for a show or a film adapted from a book to do as normally certain aspects might be changed.
This story is set in 2018 and according to 'The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter Witch', the world is due to end in a week. Aziraphale, an angel and Crowley, a demon whom both have lived among us on Earth since The Beginning have grown fond of their lifestyle. These two are not looking forward to this coming war and they have misplaced the Antichrist. The show sees our duo trying to find him before their head offices realise they are working together.
The soundtrack to this show is amazing and not what you might expect yet it works. Music and songs which are used contrasts to the action that is happening and adds comedic affect that you don’t expect.
Overall, this is a fantastic show and should be watched on repeat. I binged watch this show in one day and it was completely worth it as I wanted to watch the next episode because I wanted to see what was going to happen next. This show was full of unexpected moments which you should look out for and make this show so good to watch. A twist ending that I didn’t expect, this series and show was something different. I've never watched a show like this before and I loved every moment of it.
Everyone should watch this show. I will gladly watch this show over and over again.
Episode 1: The Beginning
We are introduced into the world of angels and demons.
David Tennant plays Crowley who is a demon that adds temptation into our world. Crowley was the snake that tempted Adam to eat the forbidden fruit; Crowley is seen with snake eyes therefore he has to wear sunglasses to hide his eyes. Crowley has become use to the world we live in and become native as the other demons call him. Unfortunately, Crowley been given the task to bring about Armageddon which will be the end of the world. This happens with a baby known as Lord of Darkness or Antichrist aka Satan's son.
An Angel played by Michael Sheen, known as Aziraphale has also been living among us and has to keep Crowley under observation, which he doesn't want to do. The other angles don’t have much faith in him, yet he is good, kind and caring. However, he is always scared, he would rather keep himself to himself and stay in his book shop, yet that isn't the case for this story.
A baby swap caused by evil nuns. However, the wrong babies are swapped. No one is sure who is the Antichrist yet everyone believes the Antichrist is with the right parents. Not knowing what the nuns had done. Crowley and Aziraphale try to nurture the boy they think is the Antichrist yet on his 11th birthday they realise they have been nurturing the wrong boy all along. The nurturing of this boy is quite odd as they both contradict each other. Although, it seems like this boy has ended up more on the side of temptation as he can be rude at times however he might just be spoiled as he has gotten everything he has ever wanted growing up.
Aziraphale and Crowley are two contrasting characters yet they both want the same thing. For things to stay the way they are. They have 11 years before the end of the world and if they want to stop it, they must work together, but will they? A demon and an angel, they should be enemies, yet they get along.
The humour is caused by quick scenes jumps and funny reactions which can be facial expression to a certain line spoken. This whole episode is fast paced and never boring. We are set up for the rest of the series and by the end of the episode we want to know what Crowley and Aziraphale will do now that operation Armageddon has begun.
Contrasting characters, witty humour and unique storyline, this episode has set up what should be an interesting and funny show and series.
Episode 2: The Book
Two days until the end of the world!
Humour from the first minute of this episode which is carried on throughout this episode.
The four horsemen of the apocalypse must now be summoned for Armageddon to begin.
This story and episode are about a witch, a witch-finder and a book. The proclaimed last witch left a book for her daughter and in that book, it held prophecies for the future which were all correct.
Newt played by Jack Whitehall is the great grandson of a witch hunter. He is quite unlucky, who can’t hold down a job and no one takes him seriously and joins the witch-finder army. Whitehall is excellent, it feels like this is the perfect role for him, a geeky guy who is unlucky but with a good heart. Believable character from the start.
Anathema the great granddaughter and descendant of the ancient witch Agnes Nutter. She’s on a mission to find a relic which will fulfil a prophecy and stop Armageddon. Anathema has lived her life according her to grandmother's prophecies, so she has put lots of pressure on herself to get everything done right. This character is interesting to watch; she can be weird at times but overall is very passionate about the things or subjects she loves/cares about.
We meet Adam (the real Antichrist) and his best friends who have very unusual names like: Pepper, Wensleydale and Brian. All have very different personalities yet they all work very well together. They spend their time playing make believe games in the woods. Adam is in charge as the son of Satan would be yet these four children work really well together and compliment each other nicely.
Crowley and Aziraphale have a plan to find the Antichrist which involves finding the birth records. Instead of finding the lost records our unlikely duo finds something much more valuable…. The book! The final moments of this episode are very intense and once it is over, Aziraphale finds the answer he has been looking forward you are excited to see what will happen in the next episode.
This episode is even better than the first. The ending is very satisfying, and you are intrigued for the next episode. More characters have been introduced and time is counting down until Armageddon. I am excited to see what the next episode has in store. So far, these two episodes have been amazing, and I look forward to watching the rest.
Episode 3: Hard Times
From The Beginning, Aziraphale keeps going against God's wishes and plans, he gives Adam and Eve his flaming sword after they have been banished from the Garden of Edan as he wants them to stay safe. Also,he tries to save people during the great flood. Aziraphale only wants to do good and help people. At times you could feel sorry for him as he isn't doing anything wrong, he just wants a simple life and when he must he just wants to help others to bring happiness.
Crowley and Aziraphale always find their way to each other. After a few encounters they realised that they keep finding each other and their actions keep cancelling each other. One tries to cause temptation and the other tries to cause peace thus cancelling each other out in the end. They create an agreement which means only one person goes to do the job, but both tell their head offices that they completed their task. We see that Crowley and Aziraphale have a good relationship, they are there for each other and help each other out when they can throughout history. They have an unlikely friendship as they are opposites, yet they are a great team and do work well together. It is interesting and amusing to see their interactions through the years. My favourite interaction was in 1941, where the interaction which took place in a church. Watching a demon in a church was quite funny, especially his entrance. This pair work so well together. Tennant and Sheen work so well together just like their characters, they bounce off each other and create great viewing. You are never bored and always want to watch more.
What is unusual that is that it takes almost 30mins before we see the title sequence in this episode which is very odd. However, we get to watch Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship grow and develop and get to see what they have done for each other in the past.
The rest of this episode is set one day until the end of the world and Aziraphale knows where the Antichrist is. Adam has befriended Anathema and Newt is finding more out about being a witchfinder. Adam is given magazines by Anathema therefore we see how Adam's powers can work without him realising by the end of this episode.
Aziraphale tries to tell heaven including Gabrielle about where the real Antichrist is. This conversation is awkward as Aziraphale is an awkward character when among other angles of higher status. You feel bad for him as they treat him like a fool but he is trying to do what is right.
Aziraphale doesn’t tell Crowley what he knows. 6000 years of friendship is destroyed by Aziraphale in a moment. We have seen they have gone through so much and now as doomsday approaches, they have gone their separate ways which is disappointing to see as they are meant to be together and clearly there is great care there for one another.
We meet Famine in this episode, who is one of the horsemen, this adds excitement yet tension as the four horsemen are coming together. As a result, we know time is running out for our unlikely duo to save the world.
More pieces of the puzzle are coming into place, our angel and demon still haven’t found the Antichrist and it looks like their friendship has ended for now due to Aziraphale. Adam's powers are growing without him realising. Newt is learning about being a witch-finder and thinks he has found a lead which is really Adam. Famine is on his way to the UK with his scales. There is so much going on, yet we want to know what is going to happen next because at the moment everything that is happening is unexpected and you want to find out more.
We have reached halfway through this series and so far in only three episodes so much has happened and it is clear so much is to come.
Episode 4: Saturday Morning Fun time
This episode is set on the last day of the world.
Adam believes Atlantis is real and then a miracle happens, and it is found. His powers are growing without him evening knowing. His friends are worried about him yet everything he says or believes is coming true.
Newt is given the job of protecting Adam Young against witches, who happens to be the Antichrist. Newt meets aliens caused by Adam; the world is going into chaos as Adam is unintentionally turning the world upside down with his new beliefs. Yet all his beliefs are good, he wanted to stop pollution and save the whales. However other legends are becoming reality too which all have consequences.
Only two deliveries are left which mean only 2 more horsemen to summon. So far War and Famine have been called which means only two more left. We meet the third in this episode which happens to be Pollution next to a polluted lake. Pollution use to be Pesticide but it has now change to Pollution. This might be due to the fact that pollution is now an important issue in the modern era.
The delivery man is afraid to deliver his final delivery as he has a message for the final horsemen which is. . . Death! The four horsemen have been summoned, War, Famine, Pollution and Death which must mean the end is near.
In this episode, everything is coming up to a climax as heaven head office have found out about Crowley and Aziraphale, the demons know of Crowley's mistake. Newt and Anathema meet, and she reveals to him who she really is and their shared past family history. Newt and Anathema discover who Adam is. Finally, Adam's friends are becoming scared of him. Everyone seems to know everything they need to know, in the sense all the important information has been shared. All is left is for everyone to take action and act upon what they have found out. For example, Adam's friends are becoming worried about him, will they do anything or say anything? Head offices know about the deal and the mistake that has been made so what will happen to our duo? There are many unanswered questions at the end of this episode, which makes great viewing as you now want to watch the next episode.
Episode 5: The Doomsday Option
Crowley can’t get a hold of Aziraphale and his book shop is on fire. We see a sweet moment where Crowley believes Aziraphale is dead and he is enraged that someone killed his best friend. We have watched Crowley's and Aziraphale's friendship grow throughout time and this series. Crowley doesn't show much emotion yet it was nice to see him upset as it shows us that Aziraphale did mean a lot to him, maybe more than he realised and he didn't want him gone forever as he was his best friend. This was a nice moment to witness.
Adam is becoming more powerful and awaiting the horsemen. Adam's friends leave him after he lets them go, even his dog leaves him. Then something unexpected happens. Adam wants to stop what he has started. I didn't expect this to happen. I thought Adam would grow in power and want to keep this power and fulfil the destiny he was created for. It was a shock that this change of mind happened but also it was a surprise that it happened in this episode not the final episode.
All the angles are preparing for war. Aziraphale has no body or flaming sword, he doesn’t want to fight. Aziraphale only wants peace and it is bittersweet as at the moment there isn't much he can do to help as he has lost his body. As a result, it is going to be interesting to see what he will do to help his friend but also to see if there is any chance of him regaining his body.
Crowley ends up in a huge traffic jam caused by the M25 which is a result of Crowley, himself. He is being halted by his own doings, which is quite humorous. Crowley drives into the fire but does he survive? This whole scene is hilarious, it is very simple yet funny, one of my favourite moments of this episode.
All the impossible things are happening in this episode and setting up for what should be an amazing final episode of the series. Everyone we have met are all heading to the same place at the same time, this should be a spectacular ending to this journey. Nuclear war is beginning which will cause pollution and then famine resulting in death everywhere. Unsure what will happen, but I can tell there will be loads of surprises along the way.
Episode 6: The Very Last Day of The Rest of Their Lives
At the start of this episode, I wasn’t sure what to expect and what would happen.
Crowley and Aziraphale finally find the Antichrist. Adam to their surprise gives Aziraphale his body back. We see straight away that Adam is no longer evil, he still has his powers yet it looks like they are under control. Adam wants to put the world back right.
The horsemen have been suggested as some of the most powerful beings yet they are destroyed or put to a stop quite easily. It is odd that Pepper could down War itself. That Brian could take down pollution and that Wensleydale could take down Famine thanks to Adam giving them power with what they believe in. Although it is still weird that three children take down the strongest things in the universe so easily. However, what they are saying is powerful, it looks like a metaphor that children have the power to change the future. As we have been made aware Adam is Satan's son so his powers are strong yet it seems wrong that the children take down War, Famine and Pollution so easily and quickly. I felt like there should have be been more of a struggle or something else. As they were destroyed so quick and then it was like onto the next issue which is the war between the angles and demons who still want the war yet they have to wait until Armageddon to begin.
The horsemen are gone yet heaven and hell still want war and Armageddon yet what plan are they following? Adam goes against his birth right and they tell his father. I think we forget that his dad isn’t Mr Young but Satan. I feel like the battle was a little anti-climax and was over pretty quickly. After a bit of word play, the war between the angles and demons is put to a stop and then Satan appears. A lot happens in this episode and probably a bit too much happens. I feel like if the battle between the horsemen was made longer and more of a struggle that would have been better than getting rid of them so quickly and bringing in Satan.
After all of this Crowley and Aziraphale, are not a part of either side anymore, they have created their own side. Crowley got his beloved car back and Aziraphale got his beloved bookshop back. Newt and Anathema found love and happiness with each other; they make a very cute couple, although this relationship was quite predictable from the beginning but it still works and as an audience you are still happy they do end up together. Another two people find love and it is lovely to see how far they have come from where they began.
Newt and Anathema got a box which includes more prophecies from Agnes and as she says the saga continues yet they make the decision to burn it all. Aziraphale is sent into the flames from hell as punishment for being a traitor. Crowley is sentenced to death by holy water. Yet neither are harmed, they are something new, neither are angle or demon anymore or did they just choose their faces wisely?
A twist ending that I didn’t expect, this series and show was something different. I've never watched a show like this before and I loved every moment of it.
Everyone should watch this show. I will gladly watch this show over and over again.
