At the heart of this film is a strong woman who is trying to find out who she really is but once she finds out, she fights for what she believes is right.
This is the origin story of Captain Marvel and how Fury got the idea for the Avenger's in 1995. Captain Marvel known as Carol Danvers on Earth and Vers on Hala, the Kree's capital planet. We first meet Captain Marvel when she is known as Vers a Kree star-force member, she is suffering from reoccurring nightmares involving an older woman. We meet Yon-Rogg, Vers mentor and commander who is training her to control her powers and to keep her emotions under control. During a mission to rescue an undercover Kree, Carol and her team infiltrate a group of Skrulls who are alien shapeshifters. The Kree and Skrulls have been fighting for centuries and no one knows how this war can end or if it ever will.
Vers is captured by Skrull commander, Talos, but escapes and crashes to Earth. Her presence on Earth attracts the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Nick Fury and Phil Coulson. Fury and Vers team up to stop the Skrull, however whilst investigating Vers discovers she was a US Air Force pilot named Carol Danvers, who was presumed dead after testing an experimental engine designed by Dr Wendy Lawson (this is the older woman who Carol/Vers kept seeing in her nightmares). Fury and Carol fly with Lawson's cat Goose to meet Rambeau (a formers pilot of Wendy Lawson). Talos purses Carol and Fury to Rambeau's home and reveals that the Skrulls are actually refugees searching for a new home after the Kree started the war.
If this is wasn't enough of a shock that who we thought were the bad guys are actually the good guys, Talos also reveals that Lawson was a Kree undercover helping the Skrull. We are unsure whether we can trust the Taos with him telling us that really the Kree are the ones causing all this trouble and creating war. Although, we finally discover how Carol got her powers, after Lawson and Carol crashed, Lawson told Carol to destroy the engine's energy-core before the real enemy got to it. By destroying the energy-core, Carol absorbed the energy form the explosion and mixed her DNA with a Kree alien solider called Mar-Vell and lost all her memories. With the energy from the explosion and the DNA of Mar-Vell, this is why Carol in the Marvel universe is known as Captain Marvel.
The final battle is on a hidden ship orbiting the Earth where we find several Skrull are hiding and protecting the Tesseract, the source of the energy-core. Carol breaks free from the Kree's control and gains access to all her powers and abilities. This is a very empowering moment as Carol has taken control and knows who she is. During the battle, Fury retrieves the Tesseract, which is eaten by Goose (Lawson's cat) who ends up being not a cat but an alien whose insides are a pocket dimension. This film ends with Fury, after losing his sight in his left eye from a scratch from Goose, creating a proposal for an initiative which he calls 'Avenger' after examining a photo of Carol and the plane was called 'Avenger'.
Every second of this film is exciting to watch, there is not one moment where you switch off and become bored. Lots of actions and plot twists that you don’t expect. This film sets up so much we already know of this world due to Avenger films we have had previously. After watching this film, you feel excited for the highly anticipated Avenger's film next month. However, even if you are not an Avenger fan, this film is all about female empowerment and standing up for what is right. Also, this film is about resilience, if you get knocked down, don’t let it stop you, get back up and try again. Carol keeps getting knocked down, but she always keeps getting back up and in the end she succeeds.
Every moment of this film is enjoyable to watch, the acting is amazing as these characters are so complex. This film if you are a Marvel fan or not is great to watch and doesn’t disappoint.
