Avoidance is the latest sitcom that the BBC has to offer, written and starring Romesh Ranganathan and Benjamin Green. Ranganathan stars as Jonathan, a normal everyday man, who some may stereotype as a beta male. Through these six episodes, Jonathan is coming to terms with his life being changed forever and finding how to navigate his new way of life. His partner Claire (Jessica Knappett), has thrown him out, and now he needs to learn how to live again.
This show is very well written, and the characterization of Jonathan is very well executed. He is the kind of character that has been falling through life. Never really gets angry, and is very much in denial about what his life has become.
Starring alongside Ranganathan is his devoted sister Danielle (Mandeep Dhillon), and her wife, Courtney (Lisa McGrillis), who has hated Jonathan for years. After his separation, Jonathan goes with his sister and her wife, and he understands how he isn’t the easiest person to live with.
Alongside that, we spend a lot of time with Jonathan and Claire’s son, Spencer (Kieran Logendra). Logendra is fantastic throughout all six episodes. We get a really realistic and heartfelt look into the impact and the pain and loss that Spencer is going through due to his parents splitting up. These sensitive moments are portrayed beautifully, and then the comedy quickly comes back in to make this sitcom so enjoyable.
Each episode is made up of actions caused by Jonathan in an attempt to take control of a certain situation. These attempts to control Denver work well which brings the comedy to the show. However, as each episode ends, Jonathan becomes wiser and has grown in some way. We are seeing this gentle and quiet character start to change for the better.
A lot of people will be able to relate to Jonathan, as such people pleasers and introverts. It's really satisfying to watch Jonathan try to express himself, including his own feelings and desires, while under pressure. He is really trying to assert himself, and find the balance between being aggressive and assertive when neither motion comes very naturally to him. Jonathan wants to feel seen by others, for them to respect him.
Avoidance is a delicate and truthful sitcom that can be quite funny in places. There are roots for a really funny sitcom here, and each episode gets even better. We watch Jonathan slowly grow as a character, and that is great to watch. Ranganathan is fantastic in this role and Logendra can easily steal a scene in an episode that he is in.
Sometimes the relationships between Jonathan, Danielle, and Claire create the funniest moments. Even though Avoidance has a star-studded cast and some good jokes, there is some room for improvement. Although, it means there is plenty of room to make this sitcom perfect. If you are a fan of Ranganathan, you will love him!
Performance | 4.3/5 |
Enjoyment | 4.2/5 |
Overall Rating | 4.2/5 |